Friday 4 February 2011

The Most Powerful Words in the English Language

Do you know what the most powerful words in the English language are?

In a study conducted by Yale University in the 1970s, researchers discovered the 12 most persuasive words in the English language - words which created intense interest in the listeners.

In your public speaking and marketing efforts, make sure to use as many of these 12 words as possible:

1.You -- Listed as the #1 most powerful word in every study reviewed (Hence, the importance of You-focused speaking)
2.Money -- we're looking to save it or make it. 
3.Save -- We all want to save something.
4.New -- It's part of basic human makeup to seek novelty.
5.Results -- Works in rationalizing a purchase.
6.Easy -- "Easy to use", "Easy to implement"
7.Health -- Especially powerful when it applies to a product.
8.Safety --Provides sense of safety at time of purchase.
9.Love -- the most powerful of all human emotions.
10.Discover -- Presents a sense of excitement and adventure. 

11.Proven -- Helps remove fear from trying something new.
12.Guaranteed --Provides sense of safety at time of purchase.

Do me a favor and save me some money on marketing efforts. If you like this blog post, then help your friends discover it by clicking the Facebook 'Share' button below:

Thursday 3 February 2011

Motivate and Educate Your Students with my FREE Seminar

LIMITED TIME OFFER: For February and March 2011, I'll provide a FREE communication seminar (Value HK$2,500) for your school if you call me now!  

Why Should You Jump on this Offer Now?
I have a fantastic track record as a speaker. I've won over 40 public speaking awards and served as a public speaking trainer to high schools, Universities and various organizations.

I provide a combination of inspiration, motivation, education and entertainment all at the same time. Your students will learn about the fundamentals of communication skills which will allow them to give structured and intelligent answers in the classroom, as well perform well in interviews and public speeches. 

My previous Clients include:

Life Underwriters Association of Hong Kong
* Student Ambassador Program at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
* Lingnan University Toastmasters Club
* HKUST Toastmasters Club
* HKUST MBA Toastmasters Club
* IT and Accountants Toastmasters Club
* HKUST Red Bird Program
* HKUST Student Ambassador Program
* St. Mary's Cannosian School
* CNECC Christian College
* Youth Leadership Program Hong Kong

Call me on 97910262 OR Email me on: to organize a FREE Communication Workshop (HK $2,500) at your school. Offer available only for February and March 2011. 

P.S. If you have a Debating Club, Toastmaster Club or Public Speaking Group at your school, then they will love my workshops!

P.P. S. And that's not all...Act now and you and your students will receive a 15% discount on all future training sessions from me in 2011!

Akash Karia
Public Speaking Coach
Phone: 97910262

Saturday 1 January 2011

TOP 3 Speaking Tips


Here's my TOP 3 Speaking Tips for 2010:

(1). Use STORIES to make a point
A vivid story is easier to remember than a bunch of statistics. An emotional story is a more compelling call to action than a recitation of facts.

(2). Keep it YOU-FOCUSED
Involve the audience in your stories! Instead of saying, "I went fishing last week. It was such a peaceful and relaxing getaway", say this: "If you've never been fishing, then you should definitely try it out: It is one of the most relaxing and peaceful acitivities" You-focused stories capture audience attention straight away because they add value to the audience's lives.

Involve the audience in your speech by:

(A) Asking them QUESTIONS and getting them to reflect on their lives ("When was the last time that you _____?).

(B) Using ACTIVITIES (E.g. "Okay, now I want you to turn to the person sitting on your left. For the next 30 seconds, I want you to discuss ____"). Or you can use the classic "Raise your hand if you agree" method to get them physically involved and committed to your speech.

(C) Asking them to VISUALIZE
Even if you can't get the audience physically involved in your speech, then you can get them to imagine. E.g. "Imagine that you're walking through a dark, empty street..." Paint a scenario so that each member of the audience imagines themselves physically doing something. Using the audience's imagination makes the speech vivid for them and hence helps them remember there because they "experienced it" rather than just "heard it".

Wishing you a great year ahead.
It's been an amazing year for me, thanks to your support. I've had the pleasure of conducting communication-skills workshops at Toastmaster Clubs, high schools, and Universities. I am taking January 2011 off to travel around Mainland China and learn Puthongua. I will be available again from February 2011 to conduct public speaking workshops and run coaching sessions.
You can contact me on: if you'd like me to hold a workshop at your club/organization.


P.S. Hugs and kisses xoxo to the ladies, warm handshakes for the gentlemen